I exhort you to be witnesses of Christ, courageous champions of Truth and Goodness: on the benches of Parliament, in hospital wards, from the chairs of schools and universities, from the altar and the pulpit, at work, in the office, in the shop, in the family, in your daily commitments and, yes, even in pains and trials. Be worthy heirs of the Saints who have preceded you, remembering that you will have to answer for your silence, your complicity, and your cooperation with evil: if you can escape the condemnation of men, you will not be able to escape the judgment of God; just as you will be rewarded for the good you have done and witnessed to.
This rebellious and apostate generation can be fought with everyone’s contribution: from the doctor who finally denounces the harmful treatments imposed by criminal protocols to the policeman who refuses to apply illegitimate rules; from the parliamentarian who votes against unfair laws to the magistrate who opens a file for crimes against humanity; from the professor who teaches students to think for themselves to the journalist who reveals the deceptions and conflicts of interest of the powerful; from the father who defends his children against vaccination fury to the son who protects his elderly parent without abandoning him in a nursing home; from the citizen who claims the right to natural freedoms to the artisan and restaurateur who do not accept the oppression of those who prevent them from opening their business; from the grandfather who warns his grandchildren about the dangers of the dictatorship to the youth who does not allow himself to be seduced by fashions and influencers.
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